I don’t know if it’s because I’m sleep deprived or because if I could I would wear a copper body suit but this issue of Inside Out Magazine looks like a dream!
Seriously, Australia is killing it right now in regards to art, culture, and interior design. Have you noticed how many of many amazing homes are located in Melbourne? Or how many cool magazines based out of aussie-land? Yup, there most be something in the water in the southern hemisphere that makes them cool and design-y. And the styling! GAH. Insaneus maximus.
A main takeaway from this look: copper the shit out of your house. Seriously. It’s not that hard. Just go buy a few pipes, cut them up and use them around your house: as candle holders, vases, or simple decoration. Basically copper is the new antlers (remember when every single house used to have antlers on the wall?).
And hey if you need more ideas for interiors, check out this board.