Happy Monday boys and girls! How was y’alls weekend? Hope you had a good one!
I had a rather exciting one (thanks for asking). I finally completed – for the very first time – the Vancouver Sun Run, which is Canada’s largest 10K run. And yes, I made it to the finish line! (though by the end of it I was so hungry that it looked like a stretched cupcake). I must say, I now know why peeps get so worked up about races and running, it really pumps your endorphins and makes you happy.
Speaking of happy, these paintings by Gustavo Peña are like happy memories of summers past, you know? Dressing up in your hipstery clothes, taking photos of friends jumping in the lake, dressing up in obscure outfits for chic soirees, that kind of stuff. I like the grungy vibe of these paintings – my fave being the very first one with lots of pink and blue.
Ah, are you as thirsty as I am for summer? Seriously, as of late that’s all I can think about, and this kind of art is making me itch for sunshine even more!