As we all slowly melt down – like popsicles nonetheless – we start to crave pool parties, the fresh ocean breeze, and the lovely feeling of being on a summer vacation. Well, today’s your lucky day, ’cause this recipe for piña colada popsicles packs all of the above. Icy treats that are tropical and boozy? […]
Posts from category
How To Make An Energizing Cold Brewed Tea
Can you feel the heat? Yes we can! At last, the sun is here friends. There’s nothing left to do other than let it soak while reading your favorite book at the park. Pure. Bliss. I must admit though, the whole waking-up-from-hibernation thing has left my batteries a bit depleted, but there’s a cure for […]
Mixology: How To Make The Perfect Caesar
There is this little ritual I try to follow every weekend where I go out for brunch and MUST order a Caesar. It’s like having a glass of “heck yes, you deserve this” with lots of spicy notes and a bit of vodka to dissolve any tensions left from the week. Seriously, it’s the best. […]
Warm Apple and Sage Salad
Friends. I don’t know if you are already experiencing some amazing Spring weather, but if you are, I am so very jealous of you. Over here we were left with Spring blue balls after a few beautiful days of sunshine (and double digit temperatures!) and now we are back to cold cold weather. I was […]
Brunch With Friends
A few weeks ago, I did a little photo shoot at home with my friend Mandy (such a cutie!), who also shares the same love and devotion for food, especially brunch. It all started with Mandy mentioning that the week before we met she made her famous baked eggs for breakfast and I immediately said […]
Fruit Salad with Dark Chocolate
Alright folks. First off, let me start by saying that this is the very first post that has been entirely styled, photographed, and edited by me (so if you pin it, I’ll love you forever!). I am nervous. I am sweating as I am about to push the publish button. But it feels good! And […]
Hot Toddy – The Best Winter Remedy!
Let’s face it. Winter is a starting to get a bit on our nerves. After the holidays are done, we are left with love handles, bills to pay, a busy work schedule, and a few aching joints. On top of that, it’s cold and rainy (at least in here). It may sound too depressing but […]