I don’t know if it’s because I’m sleep deprived or because if I could I would wear a copper body suit but this issue of Inside Out Magazine looks like a dream! Seriously, Australia is killing it right now in regards to art, culture, and interior design. Have you noticed how many of many amazing […]
Posts from category
OK – Omin Käsin
Heaven is a Scandinavian interior design and DIY book called OK – Omin Käsin. Yes, this is all DIY and styling for the home gone cray. I bet if harry potter wanted to put a spell on this thing he would called it “oh-my-fuckin maximus.” That good. Now, my Finnish is kinda rusty (ha!) so […]
29 Square Meters by 3XA
This is what dreams are made of. A beautiful home in a heritage building? Yes, yes, and triple yes. This marvellous space won the first prize of DoFA ’12, under the Interior and Design category. For those of you who don’t know what DoFa is (including myself), DoFA is this great architecture Polish festival that […]
The Home of Geraldine Cleary
Wow. This week’s content has been all about daydreaming, hasn’t it? Today’s post is no exception. The home of Geraldine Cleary, better known as the ‘D House’ was built by Australian architecture firm Donovan Hill. It has won many awards and it’s been on the front page of several blogs, magazines, and other media outlets […]