art by twoems | color from top to bottom: Pantone DS 268-3 C | Pantone DS 278-3 C | Pantone DS 303-4 C | Pantone DS 1-4 C | Pantone DS 152-6 C
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claudio parentela
There’s just something about collages I cannot resist – the color, the shapes – the fact that you can take someone’s face and turn it into a bizarre object that holds a whole new meaning.
inspiration: 6 ways to display your art at home
Hello desperados! Holy smokes, Friday’s already here. I’m not complaining at all but boy how time goes flying. Today I bring you some inspiration from the most stylish corners of the internet so you can get a few ideas on how to display your art at home. There are many styles you can choose from […]
Encirclement, Installation by Beili Liu
Encirclement is an installation and performance created by Beili Liu. The installation is created by pinning hundreds of thistles – OUCH – on the wall, leaving room for the performer to come in and snuggle between the oh-my-god-this-is-sharp thorns and the soft cotton-like seeds that cover her body. The performer must have some serious mental control […]
Elisabeth Lecourt
Elisabeth Lecourt’s muse is femininity. The living proof of this are her skillful origami-like dresses titled Les robes géographiques – made entirely out of world maps! Couture lovers, you’re in for a treat.
trends – painting over
Happy Monday all! I see an art trend happening. I’ve spotted several artists using this technique – which I’ve called “painting over” (if you know the actual name let me know) – where they take an existing piece of art – usually a photograph or another painting – and they create something new on it; big […]
Brendan Smith
Lots of color coming to the blog today! First off – Brendan Smith and his bold brush strokes. Nothing like a punch of color to get your day started. Along with some coffee. And fresh pastries. There, you’re set for a perfect day!